Wood burning stove with cooking oven ESTER FORNO EVO, LA NORDICA 8,2 kW rated thermal input 235 m3 heatable
Cast iron wood burning stove with hob rings IS0TTA CON CERCHI EVO, LA NORDICA 11,9 kW rated thermal input 338 m3 heatable
New generation pellet boilers 20,0 kW rated thermal input 20,0 kW-H2O power given back to water 570m3 heatable * Available from September 2019
Hermetic pellet thermo-stove for passive houses or low energy houses 5,1-17,5 kW rated thermal input 15,0 kW-H2O power given back to water 500 m3 heatable
"Tight" hermetic pellet stove, with ducting system and with majolica covering or natural stone 3,7-10,2 kW rated thermal input 292 m3 heatable
Cast iron wood burning stove with hob rings ISETTA CON CERCHI EVO, LA NORDICA 7,3 kW rated thermal input 209 m3 heatable
Wood burning cooker with majolica covering 8,4 kW rated thermal input 240 m3 heatable